Foundations Derbyshire
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Derbyshire is a beautiful place, famed for its picturesque scenery, but hidden across our county lie pockets of significant disadvantage.

Many people in Derbyshire are struggling to access the everyday basics of life; food, heating, clothes and a home.

A lot of young people are deprived of the ‘normal’ experiences most of us take for granted and have no access to positive role models.

Fuel poverty is also a major issue for people in our communities who have to make the daily decision between heating and eating.
The causes and consequences of poverty are complex and wide-ranging and include unemployment, low skills or education, discrimination, physical and mental health, relationships and chaotic lives. Often a change in either employment or personal circumstances can quickly lead to debt and individuals being unable to make ends meet.


15% (20,488) of children in Derbyshire live in deprived households.
Source: Derbyshire Observatory.

In Derby City, 18% of children under 16 are living in families with Absolute Low Income.
Source: Info4Derby

Approximately 11% (88,000) of people in Derbyshire are income deprived.
Source: Derbyshire County Council.

In 2019, a third of Derby City’s LSOAs and 22% of Derbyshire’s LSOAs fall within the 20% most deprived areas across England. *LSOAs (Lower-layer Super Output Areas) are small areas designed to be of similar population size, with an average of approximately 1,500 residents or 650 households. There are 32,844 Lower-layer Super Output Areas (LSOAs) in England.

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