The Fund has 3 Key Strands
- Improving people’s understanding of crime, alcohol, drug and solvent abuse. Addressing these social problems through educating communities and offering projects reducing the risks. The panel will prioritise projects targeting children and young people affected by these issues or at risk.
- Projects that help create safer communities and help prevent crimes in neighbourhoods. There will be a particular focus on supporting young people to keep safe and providing solutions to anti-social behaviour.
- Consideration will also be given to projects and organisations, which the High Sheriff Fund panel, at their discretion, believes to be worthwhile.
Type of Project costs funded
- Revenue costs, including continuous running costs (but only where the grant being applied for is for a specific and identified element of your costs, e.g., rent and refreshments)
- Capital Costs (building and equipment)
- Project work including new and established projects
- One-off events and activities
There are no other specific priorities linked to this fund
All of Derby & Derbyshire
The maximum grant is currently £2,500
Closing Dates
The panel meets twice a year, if you have a time-sensitive project please contact the grants team to check this Fund is a viable option
Making An Application
The Foundation has an online application process. You will need to have a valid e-mail address to access the application process. If you do not wish to complete the form online but would prefer to handwrite your bid then please do let us know and we’ll happily post you a hard copy out. Find out more about making an application below.