The Foundation Derbyshire General Fund

Foundations Derbyshire
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The fund’s aim is to support community life and tackle disadvantage. Please read the rest of the criteria carefully to see if your group will be able to apply to this competitive funding stream.

Type of Project costs funded

Additional Exclusions

The Fund is unlikely to consider contributing to projects costs exceeding £10,000. If this is the case please ring the grants team for advice.


There are no specific priorities linked to this fund.


Derby City and Derbyshire wide


The maximum grant is currently £2,500

Closing Dates

There are no fixed closing dates.

Making An Application

The Foundation has an online application process. You will need to have a valid e-mail address to access the application process. If you do not wish to complete the form online but would prefer to handwrite your bid then please do let us know and we’ll happily post you a hard copy out. Find out more about making an application below.

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