The Tom Carey Fund

Foundations Derbyshire
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The fund will support a broad cross-section of projects and a wide variety of groups. The fund hopes to improve the quality of life for Derbyshire residents and to tackle inequalities and disadvantages faced in local communities.

This fund has been set up to support new and existing community activity in the Abbey ward of Derby City. The Fund’s main purpose is to improve the quality of life for residents in this area.

The Tom Carey fund will offer financial assistance to community groups that are addressing the needs of their local community or the needs of a specific group of people within the area. They should show that they are engaging in community life and encouraging people within the Abbey ward to mix and support each other. Consideration will also be given to projects within Abbey’s neighbouring wards, particularly if they can demonstrate the provision of services and facilities to Abbey residents.

There is also a small pot of funding available for individuals living in the Abbey Ward only. This funding is to allow people to access education and training courses as well as supporting younger people with developing sporting and talent in performing arts.

Type of Project costs funded


Preference will always be given to community activity benefiting Abbey ward residents.


Abbey Ward – Derby City


Closing Dates

There are no fixed closing dates. The decision-making panel meet four times per year.

Examples of grants made

Making An Application

The Foundation has an online application process. You will need to have a valid e-mail address to access the application process. If you do not wish to complete the form online but would prefer to handwrite your bid then please do let us know and we’ll happily post you a hard copy out. Find out more about making an application below.

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