WellFit provides residents in Gamesley with the opportunity to participate in fun, social and local health activities, from Walking Football to Chair Exercise in the local pub!
The programme has already demonstrated fantastic results tracked through their link and support from the local G.P Surgery. The team have realised though that this project is more than health benefits, it’s been building social connections for people, creating friendships and community spirit. Members become committed and involved in all aspects of fundraising and social events.
I did a session last week and, as we were finishing, one lady started to tell me about the death of her husband. It was a very sad story and she had ended up in quite a state.
This was when WellFit Gamesley was just starting up and she was referred to both the sitting exercise session and the walking group by her GP. 18 months later she is still attending regularly and attributes her “survival” in part to the regular social contact and sense of belonging which WellFit gave and gives her.
You did that!