Over the last few years, we have consistently received applications from food banks and clothes banks, working to support Derbyshire families and individuals who are struggling to make ends meet and facing difficult decisions linked to eating, heating and living costs. Surviving and not able to thrive.
For many Food-banks receiving food, donations is the tip of the iceberg in terms of the costs and work that has to be met if they are to operate efficiently, compassionately and safely
High Peak Foodbank received funding from us to cover their insurance for 2019.
Insurance is one of our core costs that is very difficult to fund. The grant, therefore, helped us in two ways. Firstly it took away some of the pressure to fundraise and the staff time that would have been involved in that. Staff were able to spend more time delivering front-line services like our food-bank, employ-ability programme and advice service so more people were helped. Secondly, it helped us to meet the match funding target of our main funder, The Big Lottery Fund, making this funding more secure.
Foundation Derbyshire Grants, and the kindness and forward-thinking nature of our donors, makes us able to help Food-banks and Clothes banks in ways the general public might not be able to and for costs, some other funders might be reluctant to cover.