Release, based in Bolsover, support individuals and families each week with debt advice.
The effect of debt/money worries is well proven, it often leads, for example, to poor health (a local GP told Release that 75% of her patients have health problems exacerbated by debt), relationship issues, and impacts on people’s ability to hold down or secure a job.
A small grant of £500 allowed 185 local school students to receive money management classes. These sessions demystified payday loans, covered budgeting, saving, credit cards and bank accounts and in doing so they equipped a new generation with knowledge – to hopefully prevent a cycle of debt in our communities.
32% of people in Bolsover are considered to be in serious financial debt – this is the highest % of any other district in the County. Such preventative and educational work is crucial.
Thanks again for awarding us this grant, which has helped to equip so many students with crucial life skills, and has begun to prepare them for the reality of adult life.
Chief Executive; Release
It’s amazing how many year 10 students were ignorant about money issues… it’s given me so many ideas I can build on in the class, it even helped me!
A relatively small grant to a small front line, local organisation can really scratch where it itches.
Local Teacher