The Chesterfield Child Contact Centre Story

Foundations Derbyshire
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Our fantastic Walbrook Fund was able to support this local Child Contact Centre at a vulnerable time.

Many people wrongly assume such contact centres are run as a statutory service, but they are there purely due to the perseverance and skills of local volunteers, determined to stitch families back together.

Every year 80 to 100 cases are referred to this local Child Contact Centre by the Courts, Cafcass, solicitors and more recently self-referrals since the legal aid cuts have come into force.

The centre acts as a neutral base for non-custodial parents to meet and spend time with their child /children.  Often the centre is facilitating families in crisis, where there are mistrust, anger and complex issues in play.

Throughout this fallout the centre works to restore a sense of balance for the child, to build bonds and allow a child to re-establish one of the most vital relationships in life. Wonderfully the Contact centre does manage to support many families in finding a positive way forward, with several parents going on to act as volunteers.

The centre is kept viable by a bank of trained, experienced volunteers who provide a welcoming environment, listening, supporting and ensuring a calm atmosphere for the children.

Without this additional administration grant, our group would not have been able to continue, due to the shortfall for our rent.  We have been able to continue our service, even more vital, due to the closure of a nearby centre.


Thank you to everyone that gives up their time at the centre. If it wasn’t for you all, I would have missed many more months of my beautiful daughter’s life. Thank you all so very much.


They say charity begins at home, but we are trying to preserve the ‘homely’ delicate structure of family life for our child beneficiaries. Like many local groups, we are supporting the future fabric of our society.

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